
At Burnley Road we aspire to make music an enjoyable, rich and stimulating learning experience. Children are encouraged to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build a range of skills and understanding in musicality.
We aim to nurture and develop children’s confidence, allow them to express themselves and respond to a range of music. Through singing songs and performing, children learn about the structure and organisation of music and are taught to listen and to appreciate different genres.
Children also develop descriptive language skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent different feelings and emotions.
To form the basis of our curriculum, we use Kapow. Our subject leader has mapped our music curriculum to make links across the curriculum if and where appropriate.
Music at Burnley Road
Scheme Overview
Kapow Primary offers full coverage of the KS1 and KS2 Music curriculum, including EYFS. The music curriculum is categorised into five strands, with opportunities to recognise and apply the inter-related dimensions of music throughout.
Policy and Long Term Plan
A detailed document containing our long term plan is available upon request.
Knowledge Organisers
Please find below a selection of knoweldge organisers for each year group.
Cultural Capital in Music
‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’
Ofsted School Inspection Handbook 2019
At Burnley Road Academy, children benefit from a spiral curriculum that builds on what they understand and know already. We believe that exposure, not only to culture but also to situations in which the children might not have previous experiences of, is of paramount importance to their ongoing successes with music. All children will have the opportunity to sing, to listen to music, to experience musical instruments from around the world, to perform and to enjoy music. We recognise that music and learning an instrument is a gift that can enrich lives and can stay with a person throughout adulthood; therefore at Burnley Road, we provide children with the opportunity to learn an instrument in Year 3. As pupils progress through the curriculum, they will develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and appreciate a wide range of music from their own cultural heritage and from other cultures. Experiencing a range of music develops children’s wellbeing and cultural capital and we therefore strive for all children to have access to a range of musical opportunities.