Spring 2 2025
Autumn Term 2023

Science lesson: Investigating Tooth Decay (November 23)
We know that certain food and drinks are bad for our teeth. We want to find out which drink does the most damage to our teeth. We will need:
- 5 cups
- 5 eggs
- 5 drinks (Coke, apple juice, orange juice, milk, water)
- Cling film
- labels
What we did:
First, we put an egg in a cup. Then we poured water into the cup until the egg was covered. We covered the top of the cup with cling film and labelled the cup. Then we repeated this with each of the other liquids. We left the cups on a shelf in the classroom for a week.
Results - can you see which liquid caused the most damage?

Spring 1
Welcome to the Spring term.
We will be swimming on a Tuesday up to Easter.

Some useful websites
For maths
For Literacy. try the BBC lessons
Also - try the Oak Academy online library which has books you can read and audiobooks you can listen to:
Insert content here
Welcome to Autumn term!
We are back in our refurbished building and although there are some changes due to Covid 19, things are ticking along smoothly in Class 4. We currently have two teachers - Mr. Brown and Mrs Ellis alongside our two teaching assistants, Mrs Barnes and Mrs Lund. We got off to a great start doing lots of catch-up learning to make up for all the time missed during Lockdown. Children - please do remember to wrap up well as it's getting colder and the windows are open!
Homework will be set on Seesaw on Monday (or sent home). This is to be completed by Friday. There will also be Spelling Shed activities to complete.
We have already looked at Romans and how Julius Caesar extended the Roman Empire. We looked at Roman foods and how the Romans contributed to the world we live in today.

We are now working on our Rivers topic:

One of our core areas, we have spent lots of time improving writing and also working on our reading skills. The children wrote some amazing Horrid Henry stories recently and enjoyed reading The Wolves in the Walls!

Reading books
Children will read daily in class, either quietly to themselves, in a guided reading group or with an adult. They will bring a reading book home daily. Books should be handed in on Friday and a new one will be issued on Monday. Children will also have another library book to read. Of course, children should feel free to read other books or materials at home.
This will be on Tuesday and children should come to school in an outdoor PE kit.
We have looked at the Water Cycle:

We started the year looking at teeth and then the digestive system. We learned how to look after our teeth and what the functions of different teeth are.

We are now learning about electricity. This includes how to stay safe and also how simple circuits work.

Welcome to our class 4 page!
As unfortunately school is temporarily closed, useful links and resources will be posted here so that you can continue to access helpful information and materials that should allow you to continue to follow much of the school curriculum.
Remember to visit https://web.seesaw.me/, or download the Seesaw app on the Google Play or Apple App store, to access and upload school work whilst at home. Daily work will be posted here should you wish to cover the essentials of what would have been taught in class.
Information to create an account registered to our class has been sent home with all children, please contact the school if your child was absent and you require more information.
Mr Osborn
Your Amazing Work At Home:
It has been wonderful to see all the amazing work you are all doing on Seesaw! Below I have posted some of my favourite things you have been up to, although I have recieved so many fantastic pieces of work that it has been difficult to choose.
Please continue to work hard with all the work that's being set and I hope you keep showing me everything you're up to.

Click the links above to find French homework.
Useful Websites:
The following websites may be useful if you are looking to continue accessing work whilst away.
Twinkl - enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS - This will give you access to resources for all subjects, including lesson plans, powerpoints, print outs, and worksheets. These have been made available for free to help parents during this difficult time.
BBC Bitesize - fantastic free resources for all ages and subjects.
TES - now offering free home learning and project-based resources.
Plan Bee - home learning resources, currently free for parents to help out.
Unique Classrooms - free daily writing, maths and creative challenges. The website plans to host competitions and interactive forums for kids and parents.
Scouts: The Great Indoors - fun educational activities produced to help parents during the current situation.
Maths Shed - practice your times tables.
White Rose Maths - lesson resources, worksheets, and problem-solving activities.
Nrich - fantastic free problem-solving and reasoning tasks for all areas of the curriculum, great if you are confident and are looking to challenge yourself on a particular topic.
Third Space Learning - currently offering free maths home learning resources and maths packs.
Topmarks - some problem-solving games for maths.
Spelling Shed - weekly spellings will continue to be set and can be practiced online here.
Audible - is currently making a huge section of its children's audiobooks available for free whilst schools are shut to help children access literature.
Espresso Coding - Step by step coding teaching with instructional videos (will not require prior knowledge from parents!) You will need our school log in details, these are available on Seesaw.
Joe Wicks - 5-minute kids home work out videos.