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Welcome to Class 6!

The adults that will be working with you in Year 6 are:

Mrs Yates

Miss Jones

Miss Mather

Spring Term


Remember that school starts at 8.45am this year and finishes at 3.15pm.

Our P.E day will be a Tuesday and kits need to be in school.   We will be going outside as much as the weather allows us to so please bring appropriate kit.   

Spellings will be given on a Friday with the test being completed on the following Friday.

Spring Term curriculum map

Curriculum map


This term we will be reading the following texts:

Letters from the lighthouse by Emma Carroll

February, 1941. After months of bombing raids in London, twelve-year-old Olive Bradshaw and her little brother Cliff are evacuated to the Devon coast. The only person with two spare beds is Mr Ephraim, the local lighthouse keeper. But he’s not used to company and he certainly doesn’t want any evacuees.

Desperate to be helpful, Olive becomes his post-girl, carrying secret messages (as she likes to think of the letters) to the villagers. But Olive has a secret of her own. Her older sister Sukie went missing in an air raid, and she’s desperate to discover what happened to her. And then she finds a strange coded note which seems to link Sukie to Devon, and to something dark and impossibly dangerous.

Letters from the Lighthouse: ‘THE QUEEN OF HISTORICAL FICTION’ Guardian: 1  : Carroll, Emma: Amazon.co.uk: Books

The Explorer by Katherine Rundell

From his seat in the tiny aeroplane, Fred watches as the mysteries of the Amazon jungle pass by below him. He has always dreamed of becoming an explorer, of making history and of reading his name amongst the lists of great discoveries. If only he could land and look about him.

As the plane crashes into the canopy, Fred is suddenly left without a choice. He and the three other children may be alive, but the jungle is a vast, untamed place. With no hope of rescue, the chance of getting home feels impossibly small.

Except, it seems, someone has been there before them …

The Explorer

Autumn Term!

Autumn term curriculum map




Our class text this half term will be Holes by Louis Sacha and Dracula by Bram Stoker (the abridged Ladybird version).

Holes: 25th anniversary special edition ...   Ladybird Classics: Dracula : Stoker, Bram: Amazon.co.uk: Books

In year 6 we have daily guided reading lessons.   These lessons last for 45 minutes and not only focus on comprehension but fluency, knowledge of vocabulary and prediction skills.  Reading lessons in Year 6 will allow the children to experience a wide range of texts types and authors.    In addition to the daily reading lessons children will experience '60 second reads'  these are designed to build reading speed and stamina (a vital skill for the SATS).

Children are encouraged to read daily and reading books and reading records should be in school every day.


The children will read a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts and will focus on developing deeper understanding of what they have learnt by practicing using different content domains.

In writing, the children will focus on:

  • Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar
  • Non-chronological reports - famous outlaws
  • Recounts and letters - Harker's letter
  • Setting descriptions - Dracula's Whitby
  • Instructions - How the Grinch Stole Christmas


This half term we will focus on securing our knowledge of place value in numbers up to 1,000,000 and decimals up to 3 decimal places.    We will also further develop our understanding of the four rules of number (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and use formal written methods to calculate with whole numbers and decimals.    Later in the half term we will calculate using fractions and whole numbers.   We will complete a timed (30 minutes) arithmetic test each week and will complete daily quick maths sessions to develop fluency and recall.    

Fluency and Recall Practice: 

Weekly practice of Times Tables (Maths Shed) and KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) is expected to support fluency and recall skills. These activities will help students become more confident in their mathematical abilities. 

Children are encouraged to 'play' on Maths Shed every week.  Assignments are set by us each week to try and earn more points than other class mates (and the rest of the school!) In turn, this should help them develop their knowledge of known number facts and increase their confidence in spelling.

Come on Year 6- let's be the best! 


This half term we will be learning all about Crime and Punishment.

In this crime and punishment unit, children will build on their knowledge of periods in history that they have studied through KS2. Children will explore using different historical disciplinary concepts, how crime and punishment has changed over time in Britain. They will explore what was seen as a crime over time and the different gruesome punishments that were handed out to criminals. The children will find out about the development of the police force from the Victorian period right through to the new millennium.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Our two focuses for Science this term are:

Living Things and their habitats

During this unit of work, children will learn about classification of living things, including microorganisms. They will learn the names and characteristics of the main groups used to classify animals, plants and microorganisms. Children will learn to use a classification key and create their own key using yes/no questions. Children will investigate the question; Is yeast a microorganism? And conduct an experiment involving the respiration of yeast. They will produce a presentation about the life and work of Carolus Linnaeus and understand the importance of his standard classification system.


During this unit of work, children will consolidate and extend previous learning from year 4 by constructing simple series circuits and drawing them using scientific symbols. They will conduct investigations to determine how the voltage in a circuit aects the brightness of a bulb. They will use their ‘working scientifically’ skills to plan an experiment to investigate variations in how components function and use the results to write a clear and concise conclusion. They will use the internet to research information about renewable and non-renewable energy sources and communicate this information in the form of a leaflet.


Art and Design and Design Technology

In this drawing unit, children will build on the knowledge and skills they have studied through KS2 and KS1. Children will learn specific skills and techniques to confidently use line, shape and value to create their own artwork. They will use pencils and ballpoint pens to explore shading, blending and mark-making and will have developed a proficiency at controlling and selecting the appropriate tools. They will be able to articulate their observations. They will evaluate their own work as well as that of their peers.

Design Technology

Please Note:   We completely understand that not all children have a mobile phone and respect and support the needs, thoughts and beliefs of parents.    Whilst this is a 'phone case' unit the children will be encouraged to make a different case (pencil case, tablet case, glasses case etc) to enable them to gain the following skills.


This 'Felt Phone Cases' unit will teach the children how to write their own design criteria. They will design products with the user in mind thinking about aesthetics and functionality. Annotated designs will be used to communicate ideas as well as step by step plans. Children will learn how to make a paper template and how to sew a running stitch, backstitch, whip stitch and blanket stitch. Finally, when they have made their felt case, children will learn how to write a detailed evaluation



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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