_____Welcome to our Parents, Teachers and Friends Association_____

Welcome to Burnley Road Academy’s Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA). All parents and staff are automatically members of the PTFA and we welcome your involvement.
Our main aim is to raise extra funds so children can enjoy the very best equipment and facilities.
The Academy PTFA forms part of the social life which surrounds the Academy, running events for children, adults and families.
Please get involved in any way you can big or small.
PTFA Fundraising via AmazonSmile
Dear Parents/Carers,
Do you shop online via Amazon? Did you know you are able to make a charitable donation each time you shop, at no extra cost to you?
Burnley Road Academy Parents, Teachers And Friends Association has signed up to the AmazonSmile feature so that we will receive 0.5% of any eligible purchase for each person who has chosen us as their recipient. There is no difference in price to you, no set up cost for us and every little helps to raise funds in these current times.
All the money we make throughout the year goes back into providing extra treats for your children. We give books and presents at Christmas to every child, prizes at the end of the year, class trips and visitor experiences. Usually we would be fundraising via monthly bun sales, discos, non-uniform days, the annual summer BBQ, Christmas Fair and raffle. All these are on hold at the moment so we have tried to find an alternative to help us out.
If you do not currently have a favourite charity selected and would like to choose us, it is quite easy to do. On your Amazon home page in your Web browser, go to Settings and find AmazonSmile. Search Burnley Road Academy Parents, Teachers And Friends Association and follow the instructions. Alternatively we will post a link on Twitter which will direct you. Then each time you shop just make sure you are on the smile.amazon.co.uk homepage. You may need to update or reinstall your app if AmazonSmile doesn't appear.
Thank you for your continued support and we hope to meet you all soon over coffee and cakes.
Burnley Road Academy PTFA
Minutes of Meetings
Because of the different fundraises, we’ve been able to provide the Academy with:
- New football goals in front and back yards
- A specialised reading area for all children
- Fun and educational signage for around the outside of school
- Playground markings for outside Class 1, FSU and the side of the front playground
- Class set of waterproof suits for FSU children to wear for outdoor learning
- Visitors to the Academy to enhance learning such as “Meet a Creature”, “Zoo Lab” and “Skip to be Fit”
- Subsidised school trips
Forthcoming Events:
Due to the Covid situation, events and the larger fund raisers have been put on hold until we can run them safely.
Cake Sales
Donations of cakes, buns or buscuits greatly recieved for these events.
How to get involved:
- Attend PTFA meetings to share your ideas about fundraising and how funds should be spent
- Attend events and have a good time!
- Donate some of your time to help run an event, eg. Helping on a stall, selling raffle tickets,
- Provide donations for raffle prizes
- If you own or manage a business, PTFA events offer an ideal opportunity to promote your business whilst supporting the PTFA. You could provide raffle prizes or set up a stall at one of our events.
Description of Key Events
Cake Sales
Parents donate delicious cakes, buns and biscuits (usually home-made) to sell after school at home time. Drinks and sweets also available. Please support this regular event by donating cakes, buns and biscuits or by helping to run the stall.
Summer BBQ
BBQ (using burgers and sausages from local butcher) bar, children’s games, cake stall, face painting.
Christmas Fair
This is usually our largest fundraising event. Lots of fun things to enjoy for the whole family: Santa’s Grotto; cake stall; chocolate tombola; children’s games; face painting; refreshments; craft room; local produce stalls; secrets room – a chance for children under 12 to buy a gift for a loved one
Christmas Raffle
Thanks to the generosity of local businesses and individuals, we hold a very successful Christmas raffle. If you wish to donate a prize please call in to the school office. Raffle tickets are sent home and the PTFA ask that you try to sell them to family and friends. The draw takes place during the Christmas carol service.
Lego Competition
Children create a lego model of their own design on the given theme (no kits allowed) and it bring to school. School councillors then judge the entries and award a prize per class. This is a very popular event amongst the children, who really enjoy looking at one another’s designs.
Jumble Sale
Please start having a sort through of your wardrobe to find any unwanted clothing, including children's uniform, which can be sold at our Jumble Sale.
More information on all of these events will be sent out nearer the time.
Remember we don’t have to stop there, if you have ideas for new fundraisers please share them with us!